The first meeting to prepare for institutional accreditation
The first meeting was held on this day, Tuesday 29/12/2020, in the meeting hall of the Faculty of Medicine Gharyan to lay the first brick, equip and start the quality accreditation program for the Faculty of Medicine, during which Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Jubail gave a very valuable lecture, in his capacity as an expert in health management and planning and a quality expert, in addition to his original specialization and in the presence of Dean Dr. Khamis Al-Farrouj, and the Vice Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Jamal Bordom, the Head of the Quality Office in the Faculty, and a group of Heads of Departments. Enriched the dialogue with a number of questions that Dr. Ibrahim answered at length. A work schedule, a timetable and a plan have also been set to be announced by the Dean to start the first step in this direction that will be announced at the next meeting.
I ask God for success and payment in accomplishing this huge work and to make this in the balance of everyone's good deeds
Quality Office at the Faculty of Medicine Gharyan.